
Making Good Use Of Your Sites Images

Getting a website noticed by many internet users is certainly no easy task. After all, you have to be very good in grabbing the attention of casual browsers and get them to go to your main page. And this is where image optimization can become very useful.Basically put, image optimization is any method of maximizing the visibility of your web site's images to search engines, so that they might rank it higher in their page listings. This is essentially another form of search engine optimization strategy. This is not as commonly used as keyword based optimization, though. However, done correctly, image optimization will be as effective as using keywords to get your site ranked. Here are some tips that you can use when optimizing your site images.First of all, you need to be careful in choosing the image. The best way to go here is to use an image that is relevant to your site's content. Never use any shock and awe photos (e.g. girls on swimsuits or other such eye catchers) even if they will definitely grab attention, as this is in bad faith. Your users will also likely to shy away from the site once they realize that the picture is there to lure them.Also choose a fairly sized image to use on your site. There is really no exact specifications for fairly sized here. Instead, choose a picture Motorcycle Gloves that has all the pertinent details visible at the size you Nail Polish want. If you are limited by space on the page, then you can use thumbnails and link them to the full sized pictures.Also, find a good balance between image resolutions and file size when choosing your picture. The higher the resolution, the more details your picture will have, but it will take longer to load, especially in older browsers. The thing to consider here is how much detail you want web users to see at first glance of the image.Once you have your images, then you need a way to identify them, not only for your own purpose, but also for those viewing the image. Your first step is choosing a file name under which you store your image. The key here is to use a name that definitely identifies what your image is and is easy to remember. One tip is to be straightforward with it, if you have a picture of a tree, then name it tree.jpg.And of course, you need to have accompanying text to tell users why the heck is the picture there. Here captions are very much useful. And you can use them to put in relevant keywords for optimization too, though remember not to overdo it as it can become more irritating than helpful this way. Also never forget to to fill in the Alt attribute of the image tag in your site code. This will not only caption your image further, it will also tell users what is there in case the image doesn't load properly.Image optimization will definitely be more useful once it is used alongside keyword optimization. And proper use of both will greatly contribute in your site's success in page rankings.

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