
Love Boat Lessons-- Know Before You Go!

It and network execs felt justified in pulling the plug. Little did they know, however, that the lame little show would have a huge impact far beyond the entertainment world. It can reasonably be stated that The Love Boat launched a multi-billion dollar Cruise Industry that services over 13 million people a year and continues to grow. But The Love Boat had help. Enter, The Association of Media Producers!In 1985 Princess Cruises gave us a bunch of money and told us to make a promotional film that would convince people to forsake a land-base vacation for the pleasures of a Princess Cruise. At the time, the industry served less than a million people and Princess had four ships, including the Island and Pacific Princesses, the original "Love Boats". It was truly an unbelievable assignment and, realizing how fortunate we were, we set out to make the Worlds Greatest Cruise Line Promotional Film. The success of our film was evidenced by the fact that Princess used it as their main sales and promotional piece for nearly ten years! It Nail Sticker was also the first of over 150 films and videos we produced for Princess over the next twenty-four years. There are now 12 ships in the fleet with a capacity twenty times greater than when we signed on. Coincidence? We think not.Although, we really cans expectations. Over the years we have employed this simple technique numerous times. In fact, we never make a show without at least some survey of the prospective audience and their viewpoints. Sometimes we even utilize one of our professional survey partners to do an in depth study so we can really get a handle on the viewing audience. It is probably the single most important activity of all of the many actions that result in Iphone 4s Repair Parts a completed film. We are amazed when others in our industry dont do this. It can almost guarantee success. This is just as true now as it was twenty-four years ago.So if you want a successful commercial, promo or marketing video, regardless of the medium in which it

